Regina family grateful to ‘Good Samaritan’ who saved daughter’s life

Feb 24, 2014 | 11:04 AM

A stranger who stopped to help a young woman who rolled her truck last week on the icy highway between Regina and Moose Jaw is getting a big thank you from her family.

Last Thursday Mark Gilchrist from Regina wrote a Facebook post trying to track down the anonymous ‘Good Samaritan’ to thank him for taking the time to stop on the side of the road and find out if someone needed help. His daughter Heather had been knocked unconscious after rolling her truck into the ditch during the storm on Wednesday. The stranger called 911 and waited at the scene to help until the ambulance arrived.

“Your actions at the accident in the cold weather likely saved her. Let me make this perfectly clear. You saved my daughter’s life. She would not be with us today if you had not stopped,” her father wrote on February 20.

“Many people drove right on by during winter conditions on a very busy road but no one stopped but you. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you. But we don’t know who you are or your name. If somehow you read this, you did a wonderful thing. Again thank you.”