You, me and tea

Seniors Valentines Tea offers fun outing in Battlefords

Feb 7, 2019 | 5:00 PM

The Seniors Valentine’s Tea is taking place Feb. 14 at 3:40 p.m. at the Battlefords Co-op Aquatic Centre.

Candace Dustan, program manager for the city, said the event that first came together decades ago as a way to show appreciation for seniors in the community, still serves its cause today.

In addition to the sweets and treats, the Seniors Tea also presents an opportunity for people to check out first-hand some of the different programs offered at the Aquatic Centre, including the centre’s Gentle Aquafit Class which runs from 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., with the tea held right after that.

Those attending the tea are welcome to arrive early and take part in the class as well if they so choose.

“It’s a low-intensity cardio and strength training class that’s for older adults,” Dustan said. “Because it’s done in the water, it’s easier on your joints, so anybody who has arthritis or any of the ailments that tend to affect older adults, it’s great for that.”

Dustan said the class also offers other, non-physical benefits, including an integral social aspect supplying an outing in the community for older adults to enjoy. Even on regular days when there isn’t a tea offered with the conclusion of the class, there’s always a coffee time for visiting after each of the classes held Monday through Thursday, allowing people to get some socializing in.

“They’re very appreciative, and always enjoy themselves,” Dustan said when asked about the program’s response from previous attendees. “I think socializing is very important [as well as] being active; and I think that if there’s something we can offer in our community to do that for the seniors, then we like to do that.”

This year, there is also some added incentive to bring that special someone along to the Valentine’s Tea, as the Aquatic Centre is offering ‘Bring your sweetie for a freebee,’ which is a buy one get one free admission to the event.

“If you have somebody – it doesn’t even have to be a sweetie – that wants to come and try out the classes, they can do so for free; and everybody does get a free gift for attending,” Dustan said.

Participants do not need to be 65 or older to attend the Tea, as anyone who’s an older adult, or who participates in the Aquatic Centre’s therapy classes is welcome to attend.

For more information, contact the Battlefords Co-op Aquatic Centre.

On Twitter: MartyMartyPxP1

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