Performers take the stage

Local performers excited to showcase talent

Feb 13, 2019 | 5:13 PM

The annual Prince Albert Winter Festival kicked off on Feb. 10, and with it a number of events are taking place throughout the city.

Included in those events is the Country North Show, which runs from Feb. 12 to 14, and includes several local entertainers.

Among those involved is Audrey Dore, who told paNOW how excited she is to be a part of the annual event.

“I’m excited to be back on the stage doing something I truly love,” Dore said. “I definitely hold the Country North Show dear to my heart. It was a huge platform for me when I first performed on the show. It’s still an amazing opportunity for singers in the area, and I’m always so impressed by the talent in Prince Albert and the surrounding area.”

Singer Audrey Dore said she is excited to take to the stage once again at the annual Country North Show, as a part of the 2019 Prince Albert Winter Festival. (submitted photo/Audrey Dore)

Dore also noted how the shows venue, the E.A. Rawlinson Centre, is a world-class stage to sing on which is hard to be beat.

More than a dozen local performers will be featured in the event, which includes comedy, singers and a band throughout the three nights of performances.

“It’s an honour to be in the presence of the singers and the band and to be in the E.A Rawlinson Centre. It’s awesome,” Dore said. “The time and effort it takes to pull a show off of this magnitude is enormous. It’s truly a labour of love.”

The show begins at 7 p.m. throughout the three scheduled performances.

On Twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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