City business

NB looking for new infrastructure director

Feb 13, 2019 | 12:02 PM

The City of North Battleford is putting the call out to hire a new director of infrastructure to replace former director Dan Loewen who left the position in December, 2018.

In the meantime, the city’s Utility Services Director, Stewart Schafer, is handling the responsibility as well as his own work until a new person is hired, according to City Manager Randy Patrick.

Patrick said the city won’t discuss why the former director left, citing personnel privacy reasons.

The director of infrastructure’s duties includes providing direction for the municipality’s business planning, and developing and coordinating infrastructure work such as roadways, sidewalks, storm-water collection, ditches, parks, cemeteries, urban forests and maintaining the city’s fleet of trucks and vehicles for its operations.

“It’s mainly the public works end of the city (projects),” said Patrick, adding the individual would also be responsible for planning the city’s street cleaning.

The candidate won’t be involved in the city’s Underground Pipeline and Asphalt Rehabilitation (UPAR) work that continues downtown this summer since the city’s planning and development department instead looks after this work.

The infrastructure director candidate must also be a professional engineer or a certified engineering technologist (C.E.T.).

As far as background goes, the city is expecting the candidate to have from eight to 10 years experience in a senior leadership role and be knowledgeable about various systems – water, sewer, and roads, as well as infrastructure-design construction, operations and maintenance work for the municipality.

One of the first priorities for the incoming infrastructure director will be handling is the spring clean up, to make sure the roads are in good condition when the snow and ice thaws.

Patrick said the city hopes to find a replacement for the position “as soon as we can.”

“It’s always good to have the people in place to do the things you need to have done,” added the city manager.

Patrick would like to see the position filled within a month if possible.

“It is a critical position,” he said, adding the individual also will need to make sure all the city’s vehicles are working properly.

He added the work the director looks after “does have quite an impact on residents.”

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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