Showcasing future stars

Youth Extravaganza highlights future stars

Feb 18, 2019 | 10:00 AM

The Prince Albert Winter Festival continues this weekend, with the Youth Extravaganza held at the E.A. Rawlinson Centre.

The evening saw more than 60 youths participating in a variety of musically based performances, according to co-producer Pamela Cochet.

“Tonight is a celebration of the youth in arts. We have dancers, jazz bands…we have an entire youth cast,” said Cochet.

“We’ve worked with the youth and we see how important it is to give them a place to perform, because the way they grow musically is by having these experiences.”

The entire evening was ran by the youths involved, including announcing the upcoming acts, setting up the stage and electronics, and of course the acts themselves.

The Youth Extravaganza, held as a part of the Prince Albert Winter Festival, featured a variety of youth performers. The Extravaganza backing band opened the show with a cover of Ed Sheeran’s ‘Castle on a Hill’. (Brady Bateman/ paNOW Staff)

“I’m very thankful for this opportunity,” said Cochet.

“Everyone has been so great setting this up. It’s a little different from any other show, we’re dealing with kids from five all the way to 18 so it’s been very different.”

Photo: Meath Park Ukranian Dance Club prepare to take the stage at the 2019 Youth Extravaganza. (Brady Bateman/paNOW Staff)

On Twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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