Kinsmen and Kinettes

Melfort Kinsmen and Kinettes fundraising ahead of Telemiracle 43

Feb 19, 2019 | 12:00 PM

Melfort Kinsmen and Kinette groups are gearing up for Telemiracle, which takes place at the beginning of March.

The groups are aiming to raise funds for the Saskatchewan telethon through a number of events over the next two weeks.

President of the Kinettes, Anne Marie Waldner, said they have two events over the next several days as a part of kin week.

“We sponsored a swim at the Northern Lights Palace on Wednesday, so from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. there will be free swimming for the public that day,” Waldner said.

The swim is sponsored by both of the Melfort kin groups. Kin members typically go out and perform good deeds during kin week in February, which is why the groups decided to sponsor the swim.

The Kinettes are putting on a family dance on Thursday, Feb. 21 at the Kerry Vickar Centre Swartout Hall from 5 to 8 p.m.

“Families can come out and have some fun, enjoy some food and just hang out with the family during that time,” Waldner said.

A steak night, put on by both clubs, is planned for Feb. 26 at the Legion. Supper includes an 8 oz steak, potatoes and ceasar salad for $20. Advance tickets can be purchased through kinsmen and kinette members.

The Melfort Rotary Club will have a Goods, Services or Talent(GST) auction following the steak supper. The GST auction will include donated services from each of their 35 members.

Kinsmen President Erick Zabos said the steak night is new this year.

“We try something a little different each year so we thought a steak night would be fun for everyone,” Zabos said.

The last fundraiser before Telemiracle will be the kinettes soup and sandwich lunch on Friday, March 1. The community is asked to pre-order to have their lunch delivered to them by the members of the group.

A chicken pot pie lunch at the end of February brought in around $700, which will be added to the total that will be presented at Telemiracle.

According to Zabos, a charter bus of kin members and volunteers from Melfort and neighbouring communities will head to Telemiracle in Saskatoon on March 2.

Both clubs are always open to new members. The Kinettes hold their meetings the second Tuesday of every month at the legion while the Kinsmen gather on the first Monday of each month at the Ag Society building.

The kinette group was at only nine members at the start of the kin year but the group has grown by a few members since September.

“We are hoping to increase our numbers more and it’s just about raising money to put things into the community and give back to the community,” Waldner said.

Photo: (submitted photo/Trent Fedorychka)

On Twitter: Angie_Rolheiser

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