(Submitted photo/paNOW Staff)
Muskoday votes

Muskoday candidate promotes economic development and transparency

Feb 22, 2019 | 5:00 PM

A woman with over 11 years of experience working in Federal government departments, including Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the National Parole Board, wants to be chief at Muskoday First Nation.

Sandi LeBoeuf represents the biggest change in the election, as the only candidate with no direct ties to the past regime.

“I think when you have the same people in for a long period of time, it becomes status quo and I want to make some change,” she said.

In addition to her work at the federal level, Leboeuf also helped spearhead the launch of the new Saskatoon Tribal Council Family Centre, and helped advise the committee on the White Buffalo Youth Lodge in Saskatoon. She said if elected, her priorities would include more programs for youth, helping elders feel safer in the community, and promoting economic development.

“I think it’s extremely important to develop our options. We have land in various communities that we can look at developing and I would really like to see that happen,” she said.

Much like her opponent Herman Crain, Leboeuf said she would also like to expand support services for people dealing with addictions issues. Leboeuf’s interest in the issue comes from a personal place, as she herself is a recovering alcoholic. Celebrating 30 years of sobriety, Leboeuf said it was through the support of her family, and the treatment programs she was introduced to, that was she able to find success in her healing journey.

“People who have addictions need to be recognized as people who are dealing with some difficulties and we need to work with them and try to help them as much as we possibly can,” she said.

When asked what qualities would make her a good leader, LeBoeuf said she cared deeply for the community’s future and explained the most important thing for her was working with the community to develop the community.

“So being more open and ensuring that our committees are running according to design, that people within the community have the opportunity to voice their concerns but also that chief and council listen to the concerns,” she said.

The election has been scheduled to take place March 21. The other candidates running for chief are Herman Crain and Sandra Burns. paNOW has reached out to all candidates involved in the upcoming election for comments.


On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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