(Facebook/Tisdale Kinettes)
Tisdale Kinsmen and Kinettes

Final events for Tisdale Kin groups before Telemiracle 43

Feb 26, 2019 | 1:00 PM

Telemiracle 43 is just days away and Kinsmen and Kinette groups in the area are hosting their final fundraisers before presenting their totals at the telethon.

The Tisdale kinettes are hosting ‘cater for a cause’ on Friday where they will deliver chicken pot pies to those who pre-order, and then a pancake breakfast will be held on Saturday.

Telemiracle Director Lindsey Keayes said they hope to reach their goal as a result of the events.

“We’re always looking to go higher, last year we had a donation of $18,000 so we look to beat that,” Keayes said. “Things are looking like we will once all donations come in this year.”

The pancake breakfast runs from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Tisdale RecPlex for $5 a person. The breakfast is an annual event for the group as part of their lead-up to Telemiracle each year.

The Tisdale kin group consists of over 30 members, some of which will man the breakfast operation while those that are working at Telemiracle have a chance to rest up for the 20-hour telethon.

A family skate is also happening as part of the pancake breakfast.

The Melfort Kinette group is also hosting a lunch this Friday, March 1 as well. Pre-orders for soup and sandwiches are being accepted until Wednesday, Feb. 27.


On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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