(file photo/northeastNOW Staff)
Carrot River Budget

Carrot River projecting one per cent tax increase

Mar 4, 2019 | 2:03 PM

Carrot River council approved a projected one per cent overall tax increase for the 2019 budget.

The increase is a little bit below the reported 1.1 per cent inflation according to Statistics Canada.

Kevin Trew, Carrot River’s town administrator, told northeastNOW the individual tax payer’s percentage will become more clear after the town’s assessment figures are complete later in the year.

“Does that mean each individual tax payer is going to have a 1 per cent increase? No it doesn’t,” Trew said. “How that filters down to the individual tax payer will be different – each person will be a little different because it’s based on assessments.”

The Town of Carrot River’s budget is approximately just under $2 million as the town has revenues to offset and the budget is expected to run at a bit of around $90,000. Trew said council feels it need to replenish some cash reserves that have depleted over the years.

Some of the key capital items on Carrot River’s 2019 budget include:

  • lights at the well signed crosswalk on the highway and Third Ave
  • invest $750,000 in paving projects
  • the final year of a multi-year upgrade of hydrants
  • beginning of the $3.6 million water treatment plant upgrade

Trew said Carrot River’s water treatment plant is due for an upgrade.

“The water treatment plant upgrade is necessary because there are contaminants in our system,” he said. “While they currently meet the guidelines of safe drinking water, we anticipate those guidelines are going to become more stagnant. We want to make sure we’re doing more than meeting the guidelines and we’re ahead of the game.”

Approximately two thirds of the costs will be provided by the Federal and Provincial Governments through the Small Communities Fund of the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Grand Program.

Full construction of the water treatment plant is expected to start in 2020.


On Twitter: @SchulzePANow

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