(Cam Lee/northeastNOW Staff)
Networking Night

Melfort Business Revitalization Corporation holding networking night on Wednesday

Mar 4, 2019 | 5:01 PM

A chance for businesses to get together in Melfort and be on the same page is taking place on Wednesday, March 6.

The Melfort Business Revitalization Corporation (MBRC) is holding their first ‘Networking Night’ of 2019 at the Melfort Legion from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Tara Muntain, a board member with the MBRC, said after a networking night in late 2018 was well received, they decided to do it again.

“We decided to just have another one,” Muntain told northeastNOW. “It’s more of a discussion on upcoming events that the MBRC is taking care of. Also, it gives an opportunity to businesses in Melfort just to be able to come to a social event, or a social night, a relaxed atmosphere, talk about what’s on your mind.”

She said one topic of discussion will be the next MBRC event, the St. Patrick’s Day Party at the historic post office on March, 16.

“Funds from that are going to be used in a few different areas,” Muntain said. “One, for helping the historic post office with some things and also to put more events on in town that are hopefully going to bring more retail dollars into our area.”

Muntain added that it is a simple, informal event.

“There’s not a big planning amount,” She said. “You just come sit for however long you’ve got to talk about it. Different businesses have been to different ones as well, so it’s nice if you can’t make one, you can make another.”

She added that it is a way for businesses to come and learn how the events that the MBRC puts on can help get people to their business, or to use their service.


On Twitter: @matbarrett6

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