(submitted photo/Government of Saskatchewan)

Humboldt resident receives volunteer medal

Apr 10, 2019 | 10:12 AM

A Humboldt resident was one of 15 recipients of the Saskatchewan volunteer medal in Regina on Tuesday.

The medals are awarded to extraordinary citizens across the province for their outstanding contributions to Saskatchewan.

Reverend Al Hingley said volunteering is just something he likes to do and said he remains surprised by the reception.

“I’m in recovery mode from the experience of getting the phone call that I was to receive it,” Hingley said.

Hingley hopes this award will help bring some light into his community after a year of grief and loss.

“All together we are Humboldt strong and this is part of our strength I hope,” Hingley said.

The medals were handed out by Justice Ralph Ottenbreit since his Honour Thomas Molloy, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, was unable to attend the ceremony.

“By donating their time and energy, volunteers give hope and optimism to the organizations they serve,” Molloy said in a media release.

“These impressive recipients are proof that everyone has the power to make a difference, and by giving back to our communities, they are inspiring a new generation of volunteers in our province,” Molloy said.

“The satisfaction in volunteering is the reward,” Hingley said. “To realize that somebody recognized what you were doing to the extent that this happened, makes me feel what I did was appreciated.”

This won’t be the end of Hingley’s volunteering around his community. He said he’ll continue to help out “because it’s fun.”


On Twitter: Angie_Rolheiser

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