Mayor Greg Dionne spoke to the Prince Albert Construction Association Friday (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)
Saskatchewan Construction Week

P.A. mayor talks construction

Apr 12, 2019 | 6:02 PM

Across the province this week those involved in the construction industry and others marked Saskatchewan Construction Week.

The Prince Albert Construction Association capped off the week with a luncheon for members at the Ches Leach Lounge.

After lunch was served those in attendance got the chance to hear from people representing a number of groups, including Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association.

Mayor Greg Dionne spoke to the crowd of local contractors about efforts city hall is making to help those in the industry and spur construction.

Local contractors take in the mayor’s speech (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

He also warned audience members to stay mindful of the financial implications of bidding on certain projects. Dionne drew on his past experience working in the mall development business.

“Half the funding we got from the bank, the other half of the funding was carried by our contractors, so you really have to know when you bid a project, what you’re getting into and that you’re big enough to handle it,” he said.

Another recent change which the mayor championed was one which allows municipalities to take local knowledge into account when awarding a contract, which could give local firms a leg up. Dionne said to be allowed to do this the federal and provincial governments needed to be lobbied to make changes.

“If you don’t get it, don’t phone me, because we’re giving you a big advantage and it’s been hard to get that in our contracts,” he said.

Dionne said more work is coming as work is expected to begin soon on the new hospital.

“We are very confident that project will happen in the next year or so,” he said.

Next week, the mayor will be heading to the nation’s capital to meet with federal officials to lobby for more infrastructure money.

“We’ve learnt as mayors, it’s better for us to go to Ottawa than wait on the provincial government,” he said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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