Maymont Central School students say a big thank you to Richardson Foundation Inc. for supporting the school's playground and sports field upgrade project. Students visited North Battleford Monday to use the swimming pool and show Richardson Foundation their appreciation. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Supporting rural education

Maymont students thank Richardson Foundation for playground support

Apr 15, 2019 | 4:45 PM

Thanks for the crawling tunnel. Thanks for the playground climbing wall.

Maymont Central School Grades 1 to 3 students expressed their gratitude for all kinds of playground equipment when the school received a $15,000 cheque from Richardson Foundation Inc. Monday, to help the school’s playground and grounds upgrade project.

“Thank you for everything about the new playground,” said Grade 3 student Keller Nickell.

Principal Bridgette Millen said the investment will be good for the Kindergarten to Grade 12 school students as well as the community.

“We are so honoured to have Richardson Pioneer (support) our school and allow us to make improvements for our students. It’s a lifetime investment for our staff and our students,” she said.

Beyond the playground, the donation will go toward a new sports field.

Maymont Central School Grade 1 to 3 students say a big thanks to Richardson Pioneer for its donation. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)

The principal said last year the Maymont School Community Council (SCC) held a large fundraiser to kick-start the project. Living Sky School Division is also providing support.

Maymont school is planning an official ribbon-cutting ceremony as the school celebrates the latest playground updates on May 2.

Kim Corfield (Richardson Pioneer), far left, presents a cheque for $15,000 to Maymont School Principal Bridget Millen for the school’s playground upgrades. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)

Kim Corfield, director of operations Richardson Pioneer – Hamlin, said through Richardson Foundation Inc. the organization is pleased to support the upgrade project.

“The Richardson family has always been a strong believer in “family” and keeping the rural part of the countryside alive,” he said. “This is one way they donate back to the community.”

“They put funds aside for donations such as this in smaller communities because they want to help them survive,” Corfield added.

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