Kinsmen Trent Fedorychha holds up lobster at last year's Surf 'N Turf night (submitted photo/Trent Fedorychka)

Kin groups set to serve up steak and lobster next weekend

Apr 18, 2019 | 2:02 PM

Steak and lobster are on the menu next Friday for the Melfort Kinsmen and Kinettes Surf ‘N Turf night.

Kinsmen Trent Fedorychka said the two Melfort kin groups as well as kin from Tisdale come together to put on the major fundraiser with help from others in the community.

“This year we are helping out the Girl Guides with some of their fundraising efforts so a lot of the money will go to help them this year as well,” Fedorychka said.

With this being one of the bigger fundraisers the groups do, other groups in the community will benefit since kin continues to ‘serve the community’s greatest need’ by donating funds back to groups throughout the year.

The Tisdale kin groups hold their Surf ‘N Turf night on May 3 which the Melfort groups lend a hand in.

“They help us cook the critters up and it’s a lot of fun,” Fedorychka said. “We will be going back and helping them with theirs.”

The fourth annual supper gets underway at 7 p.m. at the Kerry Vickar Centre.

Fedorychka said tickets are going fast and the deadline to purchase them is on Tuesday so they have efficient time to order the lobster that gets flown in from Nova Scotia.

There will also be raffle and door prizes at the event that typically sees a couple of hundred people in attendance.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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