A Prince Albert city councillor has publicly criticized a fellow councillor for not doing the right thing with a group of smokers at the Art Hauser Centre.(File photo/paNOW Staff)
council matters

City councillor strongly rebukes colleague for alleged inaction on smoking bylaw

May 24, 2019 | 5:38 PM

In an extraordinary public outburst, a Prince Albert city councillor says he was disgusted by the inaction of a fellow councillor when it comes to the recently-introduced smoking ban in public places.

During this week’s regular city council meeting a clearly upset Ward 5 Coun. Dennis Ogrodnick recounted what happened as he was leaving the Art Hauser Centre recently following the Raiders’ WHL championship win.

I found it absolutely disgusting it was one of our own councillors – Dennis Ogrodnick

He said the only negative of what was the greatest night of his 500 games as a Raiders fan was when he saw the councillor standing with a group of smokers at the entrance, which is prohibited under the smoking in public places bylaw.

“It occurred right by the door, and I was acknowledged on my way out,” Ogrodnick told paNOW. “But I never addressed the issue [of the smokers] because there was a councillor there who didn’t address the issue …that should have.”

Ogrodnick told the council chambers he found “it absolutely disgusting it was one of our own councillors,” and said he felt violated by their lack of action.

He has not publicly disclosed the name of the councillor who offended him.

He explained whenever he sees someone smoking in the wrong place he politely asks them to go to the designated area and they are always accommodating. However, in this case he said he didn’t address it because it was a fellow councillor with that group of people.

“Ninety-nine per cent of people are accommodating if you just politely ask them and that’s what we need to do,” he said. ”Our bylaw [officers] can’t be there all the time, so we as residents [need to say] ‘this is a non-smoking area’ it’s for our children’s health.”

paNOW is actively trying to smoke out a response from the councillor in question to get their version of events.


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