This trailhead kiosk is located in Vander-Kracht Park. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Infrastructure Upgrade

New notice boards, trailhead kiosks to be installed in La Ronge

Jun 19, 2019 | 5:00 PM

Residents of La Ronge will soon notice new signs and information kiosks appearing at locations across town.

It’s part of a project council budgeted $30,000 for and includes a new sign at the town office, two community notice boards and two trailhead kiosks. One of the notice boards will be installed near the town office, while the other will be located near Studer St. and Boardman St. The information kiosks, which will eventually feature a map of trails in the forest, will be located at Morley Wilson (Quarry) Park and Vander-Kracht Park.

“We’re taking advantage of the work Boreal Outdoor Recreation Association has done building some of those trails and letting people know they are there and where the trailheads are,” Community Planner Abby Besharah said. “They already have a good trail map they have developed, so it’s just a matter of getting it printed and installed there. By the end of July, we should have almost everything done when it comes to the community notice boards and the trailhead kiosks.”

The winning bid for both the town office sign, as well as notice boards and kiosks, was High Mark Holdings owned by Coun. Matthew Klassen. Besharah stated he was the only one to bid for the boards and kiosks, adding there were other bids for the town office sign. She noted council believed Klassen’s bids had the best aesthetics and were within the price range they were looking for.

“He is also teaming up, I believe, and subcontracting a portion of the artistic work to someone else from the region, so that was nice to see because we were encouraging contractors to work together with local artisans,” Besharah said.

In regards to the kiosks, she noted the contractor is taking some leeway in how they are designed, but they will include a removal piece of plexiglass to protect the structures from vandalism.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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