The Town of Battleford formally adopted its 2019 mill rate at its meeting Monday. (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Town tax roll

Battleford formally adopts new mill rate; tax notices on the way

Jun 20, 2019 | 5:02 PM

Property owners in Battleford will soon see their tax notices in the mail, as the town has formally adopted the new mill rate.

The uniform municipal mill rate was set at 3.35 mills for all taxable property assessments in the 2019 roll.

Finance Director David Gillan said the 2019 budget reflects a two per cent tax increase to the average assessed property, which is achieved with a 3.35 mill rate.

“I’m pleased we are meeting our proposed increase this year,” Gillan said.

The two per cent increase amounts to an average of about $32 more per year. As an example, residential property assessed at $100,000 will see a $15 increase, similarly, residential property assessed at $200,000 will see a $30 hike.

While the mill rate was set in January when the budget was passed, it was officially instituted at council’s recent meeting when the bylaw passed.

“This is just a formality; once the audit is passed they can send out those taxation notices of the two per cent (property tax) increase,” Mayor Ames Leslie said.

The mill rate is one factor, in conjunction with property prices, to calculate a homeowner’s taxes. A municipality will modify the mill rate depending on the amount of revenue it needs to raise.

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