A trio of scouts keep an eye out for intruders at 717 MacArthur Drive. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

Gophers raising a stir in Westview neighbourhood

Jun 26, 2019 | 4:42 PM

A property in Prince Albert’s Westview area has become a “holy ground” of sorts, and people who live in the area are digging for answers.

The property owned by Prince Albert Apostolic Church has become overrun with gopher holes. A nearby resident told paNOW the gophers have become a real nuisance adding children at a nearby daycare are tripping on the holes.

Because gophers are not covered under the City’s Responsible Pet Bylaw, city staff will not get involved. Kiley Bear, communications manager for the City of Prince Albert, told paNOW the city was in contact with the church and have provided contact information for local pest control services.

“Anything that is city property would be assessed and addressed if required. The city does not get involved in private property aside from sharing the local pest control services as noted,” Bear said.

The pastor of the Prince Albert Apostolic Church told paNOW he is exploring options to get rid of the gophers. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

Church Pastor Travis Urschel confirmed he spoke with the city, but explained the solution to getting rid of the gophers is neither easy nor simple.

“We have to make sure we are protecting the public and also pets and other animals we don’t want affected by whatever means we take,” he said.


On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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