Three concrete buildouts and stop signs will be installed at an intersection near Brunswick School in Melfort. (Aaron Schulze/northeastNOW Staff).
Brunswick School Crossing

Melfort council approves funding for Brunswick School crossing improvements

Aug 14, 2019 | 5:00 PM

New infrastructure will soon be put in near Brunswick School to slow down traffic.

Melfort council approved to spend over $100,000 to build three concrete buildouts at the Bemister Ave. – Scotia St. intersection and put stop signs on Scotia St. as well.

The funding was initially intended for LED lighting at the airport as part of the 2019 unexpended budget, although it was relocated to the Brunswick School crossing improvements after it was seen as a high enough priority and grant funding for the airport was denied.

Mayor Rick Lang said the city’s traffic engineers’ reasoning is the concrete buildouts will narrow the intersection, so traffic must slow down to get through.

“It will improve the sightlines because there will be no vehicles parked close to the curb to obscure the sight,” Lang said. “The sightlines will be improved such that you can see pedestrians from a distance away and therefore you will slow down and allow them to cross the crosswalk with no potential hazard.”

The cement buildouts will accompany cross walks and stop signs already installed near Brunswick School to slow down traffic.

Lang said traffic detours will be put in place once construction begins on Saturday, Aug. 24.

On Twitter: @SchulzePANow

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