The Town of Battleford Mayor Ames Leslie, left, advises drivers to be careful to lower their speed now that school is back in session. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
In the chambers

Town reminds drivers to reduce speed and follow rules around school zones

Sep 4, 2019 | 9:05 AM

Battleford drivers will need to ensure they are following the speed limit around school zones now that kids are back in class for the new school year.

Mayor Ames Leslie raised the issue at council Tuesday.

“Take your time,” he said following the meeting, adding that if children arrive at school a few minutes off schedule it is not as important compared to their wellbeing. “It’s about keeping kids safe.”

He asked residents to respect the 30 kilometre per hour speed limit around schools and playgrounds that has been in effect since 2018.

“They are that way, 365 days a year,” Leslie said.

Residents need to make sure they safely drop off their child outside the school building according to the regulations.

In 2018, the playground and school zones speeds were reduced to 30 km/h from 40 km/h in the town. The aim of the lower speed limit was to improve student safety, as well as parent safety when dropping off and picking up children.

The town reported in Aug. 2018 that in March of that year a child was hit and there have been near misses related to children’s safety crossing the roadways.

As a result, the town made some changes last year to improve safety: 25 St. became a one-way between Third Ave. and Second Ave. with vehicles traveling eastbound.Residential permit-parking-only is permitted in this section.

As well, 23 St. between Second Ave. and Third Ave. is restricted to school buses only between 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday, with no through-traffic allowed. The west (Tot Lot) side of Second Ave. is a drop-off and pick-up zone only, with no parking permitted at anytime.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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