The speed limit will remain at 60 km/hr for at least another few years. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
no changes

La Ronge council denied request to increase speed limit

Sep 12, 2019 | 11:49 AM

There will be no changes to the highway speed in La Ronge after a request from council was denied by the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure.

Back in June, a resolution was moved by Coun. Matt Klassen and seconded by Coun. Hugh Watt with the intention of increasing the speed limit from 60 kilometers per hour to 80 on Highways 2 and 102. The request was received by the ministry and traffic engineers were in town July 23 and 24 to complete a traffic speed study. Based on the results of the study, which was conducted between Brown St. and Riese Dr., it was recommended the highway speeds remain at 60 km/h at this time.

“They will be conducting another speed study after a rehabilitation project, which is scheduled for a few years from now,” Senior Communications Consultant Steve Shaheen said. “Once that’s completed, they will determine the recommended speed limit at that time.”

Shaheen noted the recommendation was based on a variety of factors including traffic counts, speed differential, land use, collision history and driver safety. He also mentioned the speed in the area ranges between 100 to 50 km/h between Air Ronge, the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and the town itself.

“In 2012, the speed limit was actually reduced from 80 to 60 km/h at the request of the Town of La Ronge, because they were concerned 80 km/h was too high at that point and posed a danger to pedestrians,” Shaheen said.

La Ronge councillors learned of the ministry’s decision Wednesday at a regular town meeting.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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