(Facebook/Town of Hudson Bay)
Hudson Bay ByElection

Hudson Bay holding byelection in October

Sep 25, 2019 | 3:15 PM

The Town of Hudson Bay needs a new councillor.

Following the resignation of former Coun. Darin Barker due to him moving away from the community, Hudson Bay will host a byelection to fill the vacant seat.

Three nominees threw their hats in the race:

  • Lorne Babyck, retired business owner and long-time Hudson Bay citizen
  • Doug Binkley, electrician and long-time Hudson Bay citizen
  • Meagan Dickson, SaskTel Customer Service Rep with a young family

Theresa Parkman, Hudson Bay’s chief administrative officer, will review the election results to see who will receive a year-long term as a councillor before the 2020 municipal election.

“I’ll be announcing the next morning on Oct. 24 who will be the winner of this, and they will be sworn in at the regular council meeting on Nov. 12,” Parkman told northeastNOW.

The advanced poll is set for Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Hudson Bay’s town office. The official election day will be in the council chambers on Wednesday, Oct. 23 during the same time frame.

Parkman said there’s currently no debates or all candidates meetings scheduled.


On Twitter: @SchulzePANow

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