SCMA duo Munro and Patrick will be in Melfort at Spruce Haven Park on Thursday. (submitted photo/Heidi Munro)
Live Music

SCMA duo Munro and Patrick bringing ‘August Moon’ tour to Melfort

Aug 17, 2020 | 4:00 PM

Saskatchewan Country Music artists Heidi Munro and Scott Patrick are bringing their summer tour to Melfort on Thursday.

The August Moon show will happen at Spruce Haven Park at 7 p.m. with social distancing guidelines in place.

Heidi Munro said getting back on stage after live performances were shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been fantastic.

“The ultimate is safety and respect for the distancing but we fully believe that we can do that,” Munro said. “Our province needs live music more than anything right now.”

The duo was formed about two years ago after knowing of each other in the industry. Patrick was part of the Canadian group Wyatt, while Munro was an independent artist for many years when the two began working together.

Munro said she was then in need of a vocalist and guitarist and things just clicked.

While many other sectors were opening in the province, live music seemed to take a back seat in the Reopen Saskatchewan Plan.

“We were the last ones to get back to work and so through our MLA and Saskatchewan Country Music Association and some music venues and artists, together we made our voices heard and push for a return,” Munro said.

The duo performed at Regina Beach in Rudy’s parking lot on Friday and also took the stage at the Live Music Series at Bessborough Gardens in Saskatoon on Saturday.

“The smiling is so incredible to see when we were at the gardens. I was almost in tears and it became really emotional,” Munro said. “On stage we have to be mindful of our space and it is a whole new way of performing but we are happy to be seeing people instead of doing live concerts online.”

Munro said when the pandemic first hit, it was quite the challenge to get creative but they have been doing some writing. The show on Thursday will include originals as well as some covers.

“We will just do some really great, feel-good material and hopefully it touches everyone there,” Munro said.

A limited amount of tickets are available at the Northern Lights Gallery in Melfort for $20 each or at the gate. Everyone is asked to bring their own lawn chair to the show.

“Stay with your pod or with your group and respect the distancing measures and everyone will have a wonderful evening,” Munro said.

The duo has managed to go south of Regina, up to Anglin Lake and a lot of places in between and are excited to have Melfort on the tour.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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