Hon. Jeremy Harrison, MLA Meadow Lake. (submitted photo)
looking forward

Hope and the Future: Saskatchewan trade and economy

Dec 29, 2020 | 8:00 AM

The COVID-19 pandemic makes 2020 a year many may prefer to forget but there is hope for the future. We’ve decided to make that the focus of our series of end-of-year stories.

While the provincial government has faced its challenges with COVID-19, it has seen its share of victories.

Meadow Lake MLA Jeremy Harrison said while the year has been the most challenging of his career, trade in the province has been strong.

“We’re… not just leading the country in growth, the actual trade from this province around the world is up 13 and a half per cent over the last year, which is just remarkable considering the challenge that’s occurred on the public health run,” Harrison told meadowlakeNOW.

Harrison claimed the province is currently sitting with the second-lowest unemployment rate in the country. He added once the pandemic has come down from being a major threat to public health, he believes Saskatchewan is well-positioned.

“We have what the world needs here: food, fuel, fertilizer,” Harrison said. “We are an export-based economy, near 70 per cent of what we produce we export. We’re going to be and have been doing a ton of work to prepare for increasing those exports around the globe.”

Earlier in December, Harrison announced three new international trade offices would be opening in 2021. He said the new offices will provide the province with opportunities to further improve exports.

He mentioned he also plans on joining other politicians in fighting the federal carbon tax. Harrison stated it, along with other policies from the Liberal government, disproportionately affect Saskatchewan.

“MP [Gary] Vidal and I are very close. We have the same outlook on policy, what’s best for the province and what’s best for northwest Saskatchewan,” Harrison said. “We have a very stark difference of opinion with Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government, who really do not understand Saskatchewan, who in fact I think have introduced policies that have hurt us profoundly.”

“Tripling the carbon tax from what had been stated as the maximum amount is just beyond outrageous to do something like that in the midst of the pandemic. Look, we’re going to have a lot more to say about this. We’re going to fight this as hard as we possibly can.”


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