Ice still remains on Lac La Ronge as of May 13. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
weather update

Precipitation levels in La Ronge currently well-below normal

May 13, 2021 | 5:00 PM

Precipitation levels for La Ronge in April and May are far below annual rates.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist Alysa Pederson, in April 2021, La Ronge had 9.5 millimeters of precipitation when the normal amount should have been 35 mm. So far this May, there has been 4.2 mm of rain when the normal amount for the entire month should be 43.6 mm.

“That’s quite a lot less than usual,” Pederson said. “It’s actually been a very dry start to this year.”

She noted moisture is in the forecast, as there is a 60 per cent chance of showers in La Ronge on Friday. Moving into the weekend, thunderstorms could develop and possibly bring five to 10 mm of rain.

“Looking at Monday, there is an event expected to move through giving another five millimeters of rain to the region, then there’s a lot of uncertainty and a lot of discrepancy in the different guidance we look at,” Pederson said. “It looks like somewhere in Saskatchewan is going to get a decent amount of rain, maybe mixed in with snow mid-week next week.”

The temperature hit a high of 18 C Thursday with an overnight low expected to reach 7 C. Friday is forecasted to hit 16 C during the day and sink to 5 C overnight. Saturday is expected to be cloudy and rainy.

“Temperature-wise we are looking at what’s normal,” Pederson said. “Normal is around 15 C and kind of going back and forth a little bit above today, then a little bit below through the weekend, then above again by Monday and Tuesday. We’re kind of flipping back and forth in and around the normal for this time of year.”

As of May 13, the wildfire risk in La Ronge is moderate, but it remains high in areas just south of Air Ronge and throughout much of the southern half of the province. The wildfire risk north of La Ronge is moderate.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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