Prince Albert Collegiate Institute teachers celebrate with students during the 2020 Graduation. (File photo/paNOW Staff)
In-person Graduation

Local high schools will get to celebrate graduation in-person this year

Jun 7, 2021 | 12:00 PM

Saskatchewan in-person gathering sizes are increasing just in time for grad season at Prince Albert high schools.

While grads this year will not get to experience the same graduation plans previously held before the pandemic started, high school graduates will be able to experience in-person events rather than virtual graduations which were held last year.

Prince Albert Collegiate Institute

A drive-thru graduation will be held for around 40 grads this year at Prince Albert Collegiate Institute says school principal Dave Lokinger.

“Parents and grads will drive in on our school grounds, we will have a stage and a couple of tents set up. We are going to be doing a drive-in outdoor celebration,” Lokinger said.

The graduation will be held on June 25. After the drive-thru cap and gown celebration there will be an intermission where graduates will have a chance to change into formal wear and get ready for a grand march.

“The parents can celebrate with their kids and the grads can still feel like they are together when they receive their diplomas. For the grand march they will get to show off their dresses and tuxes they will wear as well,” Lokinger said.

Wesmor Public High School

Wesmor Public High School will also be hosting an in-person graduation this year.

The graduation will be held on June 23 with the grad being live broadcasted.

“As of now we will have one guest per grad attending,” Gina Sinoski, Wesmor High School principal said.

The graduates will be in a decorated gym for the ceremony.

“We will make it special for them,” Sinoski said.

The grads at Wesmor chose to be in their formal wear for the ceremony rather than cap and gowns. The graduates will still dawn caps so they can move their tassel over when they graduate.

“They have missed out on many of the traditions of grade 11 and grade 12, so within the Sask Health and provincial guidelines we are trying our best for the grads,” Sinoski said.

École Valois

Like Wesmor High School, the two graduates at École Valois will also get to experience a grad inside the school gym on June 18.

Principal at École Valois, Catharine Topping said since they have a smaller grad class they don’t have to worry about bigger ceremonies.

“At the moment we are planning to be able to be inside,” Topping said. “We’ll be able to be in our gym with a lot of space between the groups.”

At École Valois, the grads will start in their cap and gowns and move to formal wear.

During this grad season, paNOW will be highlighting the plans for all five Prince Albert high schools. Check in tomorrow to read about Carlton Comprehensive High School and St. Marys High School.

On twitter: @dawsonthompson8

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