Provincials pictures top L-R: Tara Parker is awarded 1st place in her junior technical performance. Georgia Penner is awarded 1st place in her U10 competitive solo routine. Bottom: The five swimmers who competed in Regina over the weekend. (Submitted photos/Barrett Penner)
Battlefords synchronized swimming

Water Doves make splash at provincials ahead of year-end showcase

Apr 11, 2022 | 2:31 PM

Five members of the Battlefords Water Doves competed at the Sadie Caulder Knight Provincial Championships in Regina over the weekend, taking home hardware with the local synchronized swimming club.

Tara Parker was awarded first place for her junior technical swim and fourth in her solo routine, while Georgia Penner also took first place in her U10 competitive solo and fourth in figures. Alexa Heaver finished in second in her U15 solo and fifth in Figures, while Emily Heaver finished second in her U10 competitive solo, and Emma Briant finished fifth in her U15 competitive solo.

The Battlefords Water Doves Swimming Club, 2022. (Submitted photo/Barrett Penner)

Vice president of the Water Doves Club, Barrett Penner said it was great to see so many from the local synchro program make their mark on the provincial stage.

“It was really cool, and they all really performed well,” Penner said, adding the success should only help the program continue to gain steam next year in their rebound from the pandemic.

“We’re really trying to promote our club because throughout the pandemic we’ve lost multiple swimmers [with] not being able to compete, so we really want to try to get it out there in North Battleford again, that we have this artistic swimming club in town.”

The Water Doves will now look ahead to their year-end water show this Thursday, April 14 at the Battlefords Co-op Aquatic Centre.

Thursday’s performance will feature swimmers ages seven to 16, from the recreational level to limited competitive and competitive. Penner said the evening will serve as a chance for the students to perform for an audience and show what they’ve learned from the season.

“It’s basically a showcase to family and friends to show how hard they’ve worked all year and their routines,” he said. “I know all the girls are pretty excited to be able to show everybody how hard they’ve worked all year.”

The year-end performance will begin Thursday at 6 p.m.

On Twitter: @MartyMartyPxP1

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