(Ben Tompkins/northeastNOW)
Volunteer Service

Melfort city hall honours those who have made a difference within the community

Jun 16, 2023 | 4:20 PM

The City of Melfort recently presented an additional six Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee Medals to members around the community.

Originally, back in January, the city alongside the local MLA awarded more than 50 medals to people in and around the community.

However, according to Mayor Glenn George, they had received a phone call from the protocol officer down in Regina asking them if they wanted more, as not every medal that was allotted to Saskatchewan had been given out.

The city, along with its council then came up with five names and local MLA Todd Goudy came up with three (two of which were the same), so they were able to give out an additional six.

George said that each recipient had done a variety of things in their lives that fit the requirements and qualifications to receive a medal, with the main thing in common being volunteer service.

“They’re all great volunteers,” he told northeastNOW. “All of our volunteers, they are people that just do stuff.”

The six recipients included Dennis and Margaret Koch, Gordon Manz, Terry Rogers, Margaret Woroshelo, and Milt Scott.

Both Koch’s are also heavily involved in the religion category, as they volunteer at their church, are involved in the choir, and are part of the Knights of Columbus.

Manz was heavily involved in the education category, teaching for a number of years in Melfort, while also being classified as a good neighbour who just does everything.

Rogers did a lot for the city and its communities in bloom program, while also taking his personal time and resources to do landscaping projects to beautify the area.

Woroshelo has been a Mustangs volunteer since day one, often being referred to as the ‘ticket lady’, while also being classified as the ‘bus stewardess’ on many city and sport trips.

And finally, Scott was heavily involved in the ag industry and instrumental in the health advocacy committee, helping bring both the wellness centre and helipad to the hospital in town.

“I was so happy because the six people we invited were all there, and they all had family and friends there,” added George. “I think it was a great deal and I was really happy with the way it went.”

Saskatchewan’s Platinum Jubilee Medal commemorates the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne as Queen of Canada.

A total of 7,000 medals were awarded this year, as a tangible way for the province of Saskatchewan to honour Her Majesty for her service to Canada.

This marked the fifth time in history the medals were doled out (1953, 1977, 2002, 2012).


On Twitter @BenTompkins_8

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