Bison herd at Grasslands National Park. (Submitted/Parks Canada)
Historical Event

Batoche home to first bison herd since 19th century

Dec 8, 2023 | 3:37 PM

A bison herd has found a new home in Batoche.

The animals are now under the supervision of the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) after Parks Canada agreed to transfer them from Grasslands National Park.

The herd, which contains 25 Plains bison, was released on Thursday.

Bison exiting the transport trucks in Batoche. (Métis Nation-Saskatchewan)

“It was a beautiful sight to see… it was so special and emotional,” said Michelle LeClair, the Vice President of the MN-S.

The bison are now roaming on land that was given to the MN-S during the summer of 2022. A Memorandum of Understanding, which included returning bison to the area, was signed by the MN-S and Parks Canada a few months later.

LeClair told paNOW Batoche is a perfect home for the bison due to the location’s historical significance. This is where Louis Riel, who led the North-West Rebellion to protect Métis rights, was captured in 1885 after the Battle of Batoche.

“They were fighting for the right to self-governance and the bison are (also) such a big part of our historical reality as Métis people,” said LeClair.

She also couldn’t talk about the Battle of Batoche without mentioning Gabriel Dumont. He led the Métis military forces during the rebellion. Dumont was also known for helping lead the annual Buffalo hunts in the area.

“It’s really sort of in his spirit, from my perspective, that the bison our back,” added LeClair.

The 19th century was also the last time bison roamed freely around Batoche.

Meanwhile, the MN-S is hoping to see the bison thrive in their new home. This includes having the herd add more members.

LeClair explained they also have plans to bring herds to other parts of the province to help drive up their overall numbers.


X: @princealbertnow

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