The mural is located in a spot in the library used for storytelling. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

New mural an immersive representation of nature

May 7, 2024 | 1:23 PM

A new mural in La Ronge’s Alex Robertson Public Library is sure to ignite the imagination of children who frequently occupy the space.

“The library reached out a year ago wanting to have a mural that represented my artwork, so they gave me a pretty free range with it, which is awesome,” said artist Annalisa Heppner.

“I do a lot of representation of nature in my pieces, so I wanted to create an immersive theme for people to enjoy here.”

Heppner began work at the space in March and she explained it took her more than 200 hours to complete. She noted the work was done after hours, adding in recent weeks she stayed as late as 3 a.m. to get the mural ready for display.

The mural was made possible by grants from the Town of La Ronge and the Cameco Creative Kids Northern Culture Fund. Both grants came to a grand total of $10,000.

“I wanted to go with things we have locally, so I have beavers, black bears, a fox and I might add a couple more pieces on down the road. I was considering putting in an owl,” Heppner said.

Annalisa Heppner is a well-known artist in the tri-communities. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

“I think the kids are going to love it, they’ve been great so far. I got to watch my daughter play with her stuffy with the animals and interact with them. That was kind of nice to see. That was the intention of it.”

A public reception to unveil the mural was held Monday at the library. It attracted dozens of guests and Heppner mentioned she was happy to see all of the support. She said the goal of the mural was to engage community members with a space, so she considers the mission accomplished.

Heppner will next be involved with Art in the Park at La Ronge’s Patterson Park. The event will be held May 11 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., and it will include many local artists, as well as a provincial representative who will do a free workshop on clay hand building.

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