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Council pay review

Citizen committee will review council pay

Jun 12, 2024 | 5:06 PM

As is standard practice before general elections, the City of Meadow Lake will review its council indemnity policy.

Council voted in favour of appointing a committee during their June 10 meeting and will now look for members of the public to be on that committee.

“The purpose of this process is to allow council to remove themselves as much as possible from the determination of council remuneration in order to balance transparency, fiscal responsibility, and the ability to attract and fairly compensate a diverse range of candidates to public office,” explained city clerk Gabrielle Marsh in the request for decision that was given to council for a vote.

The last time a review was done was in 2020.

The mandate set out for the committee is that it be made of between three and five residents. They will compare how Meadow Lake’s compensation of elected officials compares to other communities of similar size and how the expectations of Mayor and council compare to the rates.

They are also to decide whether rates need to be changed and whether the council needs any other help or support when carrying out their elected official duties.

A final report is to be sent to council in September and changes are not in effect until after the general election.

Council has already committed itself to following the recommendations as long as they fall within the guiding principles of the mandate.

The current policy has a sliding scale for mayor and councillor compensation.

In 2024, a councillor will be paid $10,000 per year and the Mayor will receive $35,000.

Per diem (per meeting) rates are $125 per day and whoever is serving as deputy mayor receives an extra $200.00 per month.


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