Sucker River Coun. Devin Bernatchez hopes to mural inspires local band members or other communities to embrance the arts. (Facebook/Devin Bernatchez)

Youth-led art project adds colour and vibrancy to Sucker River

Aug 20, 2024 | 3:51 PM

The band hall in Sucker River has been adorned with four murals mostly representing Cree culture and Woodland themes.

The project was unveiled last week as the Lac La Ronge Indian Band was hosted the Tony Cote Summer Games. It was spearheaded by coordinator Keisha Erwin, who successfully applied for and received grants from the Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund and Indigenous Youth Roots.

Erwin volunteered her time and worked alongside lead artist Jade Roberts, as well as local youth including Kalyn Rayne, Winter Eninew and Joseph Ratt. Roberts was paid milage, along with an artist fee, while the three youth involved received honourariums.

“I’m really happy with the end result,” Erwin said.

“Jade’s work is really beautiful, and I hope … the youth who participated, it inspires them to create more work and be more involved in the community.”

The murals took about a week in July to develop from start to finish. Before work began, Erwin held a meeting to determine what the artwork would showcase. The entire project cost about $15,000 and Erwin noted it was important there was a mentorship aspect to it.

The mural took about one week in July to complete. (Submitted photo/Keisha Erwin)

The murals show aspects such as a flowers, a moose, fish and a hide stretched out on a rack.

“It was a really enjoyable process, and I am glad we got band member Jade Roberts to be the lead artist of it, and that the youth involved were so dedicated and contributed what they did, ensuring we can get it done,” Erwin said.

Sucker River Coun. Devin Bernatchez is happy with what was achieved, adding he hopes it encourages community members to be more active in the arts. He said Erwin and her team did a good job and that the murals add colour and vibrancy to Sucker River.

“I really love it. I think it will help promote art and culture and just our identity in the community, and perhaps it will even promote some other artwork in other communities to display and showcase our talented people,” Bernatchez said.

“We do a lot of sports and rec, but maybe we need to do more art and cultural motifs like this in our communities.”

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