The province is partnering with Prairie Spirit School Division to pilot a program in the 2024-25 school year to improve students' literacy. (ID 42235653 © Fotoschab |
Working together

Local school division partnering with province to improve student literacy

Sep 13, 2024 | 10:39 AM

The Prairie Spirit School Division and Roadways Literacy Academy are working together to host a pilot program this school year in an effort to improve student literacy rates.

Roadways Literacy Academy is a qualified independent school and tutoring studio in Saskatoon that teaches the Saskatchewan curriculum to students in Grades 1 to 8.

The program will include daily instruction in two classrooms combined with focused individual tutoring and will receive $170,000 in funding support from the Ministry of Education.

“This pilot is a concrete step that we are taking to ensure our children are well prepared to take advantage of the many opportunities that exist in our growing province. We are excited to see the collaboration between a public school division and an independent school as we all work to serve all Saskatchewan students,” Jeremy Cockrill, education minister said in a news release.

Teachers and educational assistants involved in the Prairie Spirit School Division pilot will receive training from Roadways Literacy Academy to deliver structured literacy lessons.

“Strong reading skills provide the foundation needed for learning in all subject areas at every grade level. The Board appreciates the opportunity to learn with and from other schools and school divisions as we plan targeted and intentional reading supports that will have a significant impact on student learning,” Bernie Howe, Prairie Spirt Board Chair said in the release.

One of the goals of the education sector’s Provincial Education Plan is to increase student literacy.

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