Charlie Lehman has been dancing for about nine years, and her favorite style at the moment is Contemporary. The photo was taken at the competition. (submitted/Lindsay Lehman)

Battlefords dancers dazzle with top honours at Medicine Hat competition

Mar 26, 2025 | 4:00 PM

Eleven-year-old Charlie Lehman from the Battlefords showed out at the Diamond Dance Xtreme competition in Medicine Hat, Alta. last weekend, earning a DIAMOND standing for her contemporary solo, an honour given to only a few dancers.

But Charlie wasn’t done there. She also secured an Acro scholarship, giving her the chance to attend an exclusive summer program in Calgary as a student demonstrator at the AcroLIVE workshop.

“I feel very thrilled and excited about the scholarship and how I did on all of my dances from the start of this competition season,” she said.

Charlie has been dancing since she was just two years old, and her passion for the art form has only grown stronger over the years.

“It’s just really enjoyable to have fun with my teachers and my friends and make these connections and express emotion through all these unique dances,” she said.

Her favourite style? Contemporary.

“I feel like that’s just one of the styles that I can express more, and it’s more unique to me and how I can dance.”

Under the guidance of her contemporary teacher, Presli O’Donnell, Charlie has mastered her technique, infusing each performance with her own personal flair and emotion.

But even for a seasoned competitor, challenges remain.

“I do a lot of different difficult Acro tricks like aerials, and I always get a little bit nervous for those in my dances,” she admitted.

Her solution? Trusting in her training and pushing through.

“I just try and think about in classes like how I do get them and how my teachers really push me to try and get those every time I try.”

Charlie is now preparing for her next big adventure in Calgary, where she’ll not only sharpen her own skills but also help others grow.

“For the first couple of days, she’s actually a student demonstrator, so she will be helping other teachers learn how to teach their students and support them so that they don’t get injured,” her mother, Lindsay Lehman, explained.

And Charlie’s advice to fellow dancers?

“Just feel like yourself and express all the emotions that you have inside and just leave it all on stage.”

The Dance Connection dazzles in Medicine Hat

Charlie wasn’t the only one stealing the spotlight in Medicine Hat. Her teammates from the same studio, Dance Connection, delivered show-stopping performances, racking up multiple first-place finishes, scholarships and cash prizes.

All the dancers from Dance Connection who competed at the Diamond Dance Xtreme in Medicine Hat, Alta., from March 20 to March 23, 2025. (submitted/Daylan Sabin)

The Advanced team took first place in hip hop, second in tap and fifth in jazz. The Intermediate 1 team won first place in contemporary, while Intermediate 2 dominated with first place in jazz. The junior dancers also impressed, bringing home second place in acro, third in jazz and fourth in tap.

The wins didn’t stop there as dancers not only earned $1,300 in cash prizes but also took home prestigious scholarships:

• Chloe Semeniuk, an advanced graduating student, was awarded a full scholarship to the Alchemy Workshop in London, England

• Six dancers received partial scholarships to the Tap Into The Network (TITN) workshop, a highly regarded tap training program

• Instructor Delaney Cheyne received a teacher scholarship to attend the same workshop this summer

The studio’s choreographers also earned high praise, with Presli O’Donnell winning Most Outstanding Choreography for “Be Not Lonely.”

Studio owner Daylan Sabin couldn’t be prouder of the students and staff, crediting their hard work, dedication and teamwork for the studio’s continued success.

“This journey is not only about the steps we learn in class, but the personal growth, teamwork and resilience we foster together,” Sabin said.

With two major competitions coming up in Saskatoon and a recital set for May 9 and 10, Charlie and her fellow dancers aren’t slowing down—they’re just getting started.

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