The Rush have brought the popularity of the sport to the forefront in the province (file photo/battlefordsNOW staff)
the rush effect

Lacrosse gaining interest in Battlefords, Minor Lacrosse Association on the horizon

Apr 17, 2019 | 5:00 PM

The future of grassroots lacrosse in Saskatchewan received a big boost yesterday with the announcement of a new minor “A” lacrosse league in the province.

With that being said, what does that mean for the growing sport here in the Battlefords? Kelly Villeneuve was brought on to coach lacrosse by the City of North Battleford, in the newly formed Battlefords Alpha Lacrosse League, looking to build the sport in the area. The league runs once a week for seven weeks, with four different age groups for athletes starting at the age of five.

Villeneuve said the inclusion of the Saskatchewan Rush to the province was critical in terms of drawing interest. He said many of the kids show up with their Rush gear, and it gives them something to aspire to.

“They’ve had a huge impact on the growth of lacrosse in the province, and even in our community,” he said. “(The kids) try really hard, and you see steps from week to week. They want to do well, and it’s something they enjoy.”

During the local Lacrosse League’s season, the prices were easy to cover at just $45, with sticks and balls provided. All the athletes needed to bring were their own helmet and gloves. Villeneuve said although a lot of the kids are from the Battlefords, there are also many who travel from out of town to play the sport.

With the popularity of hockey in the area, Villeneuve said he can see the sport growing.

“Most of the kids in lacrosse right now are in minor hockey. That’s really good to see, because we want them to continue (to grow those) skills,” he said.

When it comes to the future, Villeneuve said he’s been in talks with Saskatchewan Lacrosse about taking the next steps in creating a new Lacrosse Association right here in the Battlefords.

“There’s been talk of it already,” he said. “It’s a matter of a group getting together and going through (all) of the steps.”

Tonight is their last night of action, but with the introduction of this league in the Battlefords, it hopefully won’t be long until the area can start housing, and growing these athletes with aspirations of someday being the next star of the Saskatchewan Rush.

Twitter: @BradyLangBFN

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