Community Organizations Meet

Community Networking Coalition April Meeting

Apr 18, 2019 | 8:37 AM

The Community Networking Coalition is an organization which welcomes anyone working with a community group or organization to meet discussing areas of common interest and concern with a goal of assisting each other rather than overlapping services more than necessary.

This is currently a great time to find out what is happening in the community, New Programs, New Funding, New Ideas!!

We are pleased to have guest speaker, Bill Yeaman trustee with SK Rivers Public School Division coming to provide details on the survey from the Ministry of Education on the future of Education in Saskatchewan.

This is a topic that has impact on each of us whether we have children/grandchildren in the education system, post-secondary system or are impacted through services provided as students graduate and join the work force. Please come out and provide input into this important topic.

Please let your colleagues know about the CNC gathering and the opportunity to become a member – absolutely FREE! See you on April 23!

The next update will be June, 2019.

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