Permits and proper safety regulations are required for backyard fire pits. (Angie Rolheiser/northeastNOW Staff)
Fire pit safety

Fire Department weighs in on backyard fire pit safety

Apr 18, 2019 | 11:52 AM

As the warmer weather arrives, residents will be tempted to bring out their recreational fire pits.

Permits can be picked up at city hall which may be followed by an inspection according to Melfort Fire Chief Jason Everitt.

Members of the fire department also want to remind everyone of the rules and safety related to having an open-air fire pit in their yard.

“We want to make sure it’s clean, dry wood,” Everitt said. “That keeps it safe and enjoyable and doesn’t typically result in nauseous smoke being produced.”

Penalties for not following the bylaws start at $250 and a $1,000 fee would result if the department needs to respond to any fire pit issues.

“We just want to educate in advance of any enforcement activity so we just want people to know what the rules are,” Everitt said.

Everitt said according to bylaw, an open-air fire in a approved container for recreational or cooking purposes is permitted during the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.

The list of regulations is available at city hall along with permits which would be valid for the year.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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