CAA Saskatchewan is accepting nominations for Saskathcewan's Worst Roads (File Photo/paNOW Staff)
Worst Roads 2019

CAA accepting nominations for province’s worst roads

Apr 19, 2019 | 3:00 PM

Now that the snow is gone, local drivers can take a look at the damage to the roads after a long cold winter.

In this spirit CAA Saskatchewan is asking people to nominate what roads they think are the worst in the province as part of its annual Worst Roads Campaign.

Christine Niemczyk, director of corporate communications for CAA Saskatchewan, said what constitutes a bad road is a fairly wide definition.

“Worst roads can be roads that typically are in bad shape. They would have maybe crumbling pavement, potholes. Perhaps there’s some poor infrastructure, maybe there’s no infrastructure in place for cyclists or pedestrians,” she said.

Along with these factors, roads can also be nominated for missing signage or something which is a general safety concern for those using it.

CAA Saskatchewan has been doing the worst roads campaign since 2013. Niemczyk explained her organization thinks it’s important a wide range of voices be heard from on this issue given the importance of roads in Saskatchewan.

“The purpose of the campaign is to hear from road users from across the province,” she said.

Nearly any road can qualify to be put on the list. This includes provincial highways, along with municipal and city roads. Niemczyk said in the last few years she has noticed some changes in terms of the roads that are nominated.

“Within the last two or three years we’re also hearing from the residents. There’s some Regina residential streets that have made it as well,” she said.

Nominations will be accepted until May 8. Once all of the nominations are in the general public will be invited to go online to vote for the province’s worst road.

Niemczyk said once all of the votes are tallied CAA shares the results of their survey with the relevant parties.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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