Battlefords singer-songwriter, musician Brittany Keller, who goes by the name Zayda, has just released her first CD. (submitted photo/Brittany Keller)
CD release

Battlefords singer-songwriter Zayda releases debut CD

Apr 22, 2019 | 2:03 PM

A young Battlefords singer-songwriter is excited to be coming into her own after releasing her debut CD Young Heart recently.

Brittany Keller, who goes by the name Zayda, celebrated with a release party at the Dekker Centre April 11.

The 25-year-old artist sings and plays the guitar and piano. Keller said she is taken aback by the support she has received from the community.

“It’s a little bit overwhelming how much people want to listen to me and hear what I have to say,” she said. “You don’t always feel like people care but they do, and it’s pretty cool.”

Keller’s new CD, an EP, will be available in about two weeks via her website as well as through a number of online streams such as Spotify.

Her song Watchdog was nominated for the 2017 Kootenay Music Awards so Keller has already started seeing some success from her music.

Keller describes her genre as a hybrid of pop, folk and country music. She is most influenced by artists such as singer-songwriter Lights as well as Fleetwood Mac and First Aid Kit, to name a few.

The themes for Keller’s songs touch on topics close to the heart many young people could relate to, about the importance of soul searching and following one’s dreams.

Keller knew from a young age she wanted to pursue a career in music, and has been writing her own songs since she was 14 years old.

“I like being able to express myself and be who I am onstage,” Keller added. “I find you don’t have a lot of that these days. I find writing songs and playing shows gives me a rush that nothing else really can.”

The talented artist honed her skills studying contemporary music and technology as well as audio engineering and music production and vocal performance at Selkirk College in B.C.

“I learned a lot about how to record your own music,” she said, adding she also learned how to set up the sound system for live events as part of her efforts.

The dedicated musician also has a strong family connection to music.

“My grandpa used to be in a band and play guitar around the campfire,” Keller said. “So that’s what pushed me to want to learn how to play and sing.” Her mother also sings and plays the guitar.

When Keller isn’t focusing on making music, she can be found working at the Dekker Centre in various capacities including taking on behind the scenes work, helping with sound and lights whenever she is needed.

Keller said her ultimate aim is to be a full-time working musician since creating music is her passion in life.

Keller “Zayda” will be performing at several upcoming events including the Ness Creek Music Festival July 20. She will be busking at the North Battleford International Street Performer Festival in July and singing at the Taste of Culture festival at the Western Development Museum in North Battleford May 31.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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