The commission has nine regular members. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Commission appointments

New appointment to Lac La Ronge Advisory Planning Commission

Apr 22, 2019 | 4:55 PM

Eagle Point Resort owner Lolita Poirier was recently appointed as a member at-large to the Lac La Ronge Advisory Northern Planning Commission (ANPC).

She replaces former member Colin Jolly who moved to Ontario last year. Air Ronge councillor Terry DesRoches, Lac La Ronge Indian Band (LLRIB) Counc. Michael Bird and member at-large Jim Stockdale were re-appointed to the commission. Other members include LLRIB representative Tom Mckenzie, La Ronge Coun. Matt Klassen, Laurence Thompson (Napatak, Potato Lake and Rabbit Creek), Ellen Paquin (Eagle Point, Lamp Lake, Nemeiben Lake) and member at-large George Pidhaychuk. Alternative members on the commission are Air Ronge Mayor Gordon Stomp, La Ronge Coun. Glen Watchel and LLRIB Coun. Sam Roberts.

The ANPC was established in 2006 to enable local involvement in land-use issues in the North, which includes overseeing the preparation and ongoing implementation of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The main purpose of the ANPC is to advise and assist the Minister of Government Relations with respect to community planning matters in the planning area and any other matters involving development in the planning area.