Pet owners are encouraged to keep an eye on their furry pals, as animals are more likely to escape and wander the streets during the summer months (File photo/northeastNOW Staff).
Small, Furry Drifters

More animals wandering streets in summer months

Jun 10, 2019 | 4:50 PM

Animal owners are being encouraged to tag their pets and tighten their fences during the upcoming summer months.

Pat Shiels, owner and manager of Animal Control Services Melfort, said more cats and dogs are wandering the streets in the warmer weather as they’ve already had to deal with dogs who have escaped the yard and stray cats that are having kittens.

“Most of the time when it’s cold, they like to stay somewhere warm, which is most of the time,” Shield said. “In the spring, it’s time to go out and about, especially if they’re unfixed and looking for mates.”

Shiels encouraged pet owners to get tags for their animals and chipped to make it easier for animal control services to return them home. She said animals with tags that are picked up the first time will be returned home with a warning to the pet owner, instead of paying for their release at the shelter.

To decrease the chance of animals wandering, Shiels said owners who don’t plan on having their pets breed should get them fixed, as they’re often escaping home in search of a mate.

“It’s dangerous for them to be wandering around, especially near the highways where they might get hit,” she said.

Shiels said people who encounter wandering pets, and wildlife that’s injured or troubling to the public, are encouraged to contact their local animal control services.

On Twitter: @SchulzePANow

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