There wasn't enough room for all the supporters who attended Wednesday's meeting. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
community support

Pride flag to be raised after La Ronge council votes 6-1

Jun 13, 2019 | 1:52 PM

After a huge show of support at a regular La Ronge council meeting Wednesday, the pride flag will hang outside the town office for one month.

There were cheers from the close to 50 attendees after councillors voted 6-1 to allow the flag to be raised on a municipality-owned pole for all residents to see. In June 2017, a motion to raise the flag was defeated by a 4-3 vote, but this time Deputy Mayor Dallas Everest was the only member of council to vote against the motion. Mayor Ron Woytowich said it was good to see the amount of people who came to show support, adding he had a feeling the decision would turn out in their favour.

“It was good they did and they showed their point, but it would have passed anyway because proper notice was given and everyone was aware of it,” he said. “I honestly thought it would pass entirely, but I guess it didn’t.”

Before council voted on raising the flag, they heard from six delegates about why the flag should fly including concerned citizens, students and former resident Jordan McKay. He spoke to council dressed in drag as Cheryl Trade and said some of them might not agree with a man wearing a dress with heels and a wig, but asked them to put any judgments aside and listen to the facts the delegation would share.

McKay told council if they decide to raise the flag, they might receive complaints. He noted, however, that provides an educational opportunity. McKay said the amount of people who came to the meeting shows residents are ready for change.

“This flag is a symbol to the community and our youth that being different is OK, being yourself is celebrated, and you are free to be whoever you are and your town is there to support you,” he said. “The pride flag absolutely will not hurt anybody. If someone is against this flag, I would like to know why.”

Supporters gathered for a rally before the start of the council meeting. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

Everest didn’t elaborate on why he voted no to raise the pride flag. larongeNOW reached out to him on the matter, but he was unavailable by deadline.

Also at the meeting Wednesday, council passed a motion brought forward by Coun. Matthew Klassen to erect a flagpole in Patterson Park for such flags. The pride flag is expected to be raised outside the town office sometime today.

Residents are also invited to the Lac La Ronge Regional Pride Parade June 29. It will be held along La Ronge Ave. at 11 a.m. and a barbecue will follow.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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