The City of Prince Albert wants residents' thoughts on the future of Little Red River Park. (file photo/paNOW Staff)
Little Red River Park

City asking residents for help

Jun 14, 2019 | 11:30 AM

Residents are being encouraged to make their opinions known about the future of Little Red River Park.

The City of Prince Albert is asking citizens to fill out surveys as the city gets ready to put together the next five-year master plan for the park.

Tim Yeaman, parks manager for the City of Prince Albert, said the surveys give citizens the chance to make their opinions known.

“This park is going to be here for years to come and I think it’s an opportunity for the community now to set the pace for the park,” he said.

The master plan will encompass a wide array of aspects ranging from the history of the park to what is going on right now. A major theme of the new master plan is looking at what activities the public would like to see encouraged in the park along with improvements, like adding more playgrounds or hiking trails.

“Nothing’s being left off the table,” Yeaman said.

People who are interested in taking part in the survey process can do so by going online to Along with asking for feedback from the public, opinions will also be sought from groups who use the park on a regular basis.

In the past, park users have been good about providing their opinions about the direction of the park. Yeaman said so far the calls for feedback have been met with a solid response.

“At the Pine Needle Bike and Music Festival we had over 100 surveys that were completed, so you know, that’s a huge testament to the importance of this park to a lot of people,” he said.

Surveys will be accepted until September, after consultants will be gathering up the information and incorporating it into a report which will be used to shape the upcoming plan. Yeaman said they do have a specific timeline in mind for presenting their findings.

“It would be nice have things ready for the 2020 budget season when we start making some of those choices by presenting that information to council,” he said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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