The increase would change the speed from 60 kilometers per hour to 80. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
speed limits

La Ronge Council seeks increase to highway speed limits

Jul 11, 2019 | 5:00 PM

La Ronge Council passed a resolution at a regular meeting last month to appeal to the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to increase the speed limit on local highways.

The resolution was moved by Coun. Matt Klassen and seconded by Coun. Hugh Watt with the intention of increasing the speed limit from 60 kilometers per hour to 80 on Highways 2 and 102. According to the resolution, the change is meant to alleviate congestion on municipal streets accessing the highways and to improve travel time for residents between the tri-communities. Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure Senior Communications Consultant Steven Shaheen confirmed the government received the request from council this week.

“Typically, the ministry will work with the municipality in setting those [limits],” he said. “If there is a desire to increase or lower the speed limit in a certain municipality, they would approach the ministry and we would send our traffic engineers and they would conduct the study, then send the recommendations back to council.”

Shaheen stated traffic engineers will look at a variety of factors in its decision to increase the limits or not. For example, engineers will study collision history, land use, the average speed and speed differential. He noted the study should be completed and sent to council in early fall.

“There are three different municipalities within the area including La Ronge, Air Ronge and the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, so this is one of those things where there are multiple speed limits and, at some point, we probably want to get that sorted out,” Shaheen said.

Speed limits on the highways were once set at 80 kilometers per hour, but the speed was reduced to 60 several years ago.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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