The Town of Battleford is installing LED lighting on the walking trail along the river valley. (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Community safety

Town installing trail lighting to improve safety

Jul 29, 2019 | 11:47 AM

Those who are keen to get out on Battleford’s walking trails will soon be able to do so at any time of the day.

The town is in the process of installing LED lights along the river valley walking trail so people can go for a stroll in the evening, any time of the year.

“I grew up along the river so it has always been something near to my heart, being able to utilize that river valley a lot more,” Mayor Ames Leslie said.

Council gave the go ahead to develop the trail itself a few years ago, and adding light was the next step to help improve access. The cost of the project is about $89,000.

“Unfortunately, in Saskatchewan in the winter, we are dark by 5:30 p.m.” Leslie said.

While some people may already feel comfortable using the walking trail 12 months of the year and in the dark, Leslie said the general population does not. By installing the lights, the town is looking to make it more safe for everyone.

“As well, criminals don’t like light,” Leslie added. “”It will add another level of protection for people walking along the river valley.”

Leslie said there should be very minimal dark spots on the walking trail after the lights are installed.

The lights, which will be on a timer, will begin at the start of the walking trail in the river bend and end at the tree line. As the lights are LED, there will be very little light leak.

The town started installing the lights last week and expects to complete the project in September.

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