Nipawin's Pool at Central Park. (File photo/northeastNOW Staff)
Pool Vandalism

Nipawin pool staff encourage residents to watch for vandalism following tap breaks

Aug 6, 2019 | 1:09 PM

Swiveling and yanking has made some taps in Nipawin’s pool tap out.

The Town of Nipawin announced on Aug. 2 that the motion sensor taps in the boys change room at the Pool at Central Park were left broken and non-functional after some consistent “horsing around.”

“I think the kids aren’t aware that they’re causing damage to the facility when they do things like this,” Nipawin’s Director of Parks and Recreation Chelsea Corrigan said. “We want the public to be aware that it wasn’t an error or issue with the installation the taps. They just aren’t being used properly and therefore may not be working at certain parts of the day.”

No other signs of vandalism have been seen at the pool, although the Town of Nipawin wants users to notify staff of any misuse of pool equipment or any other inappropriate behaviour.