Communities in Bloom

New project; national competition for Melfort Communities in Bloom

Feb 20, 2019 | 12:51 PM

The latest projects for Melfort Communities in Bloom have been announced.

Members of the volunteer group that works to beautify the city plan to create a meditation garden at Mount Pleasant Cemetery along with competing at the national level this year.

Communities all across Canada compete in the same population category which is the 5,000 to 10,000 range.

Peggy George said the national competition and cemetery project will almost triple their costs.

“Our budget is probably about $40,000 which is huge for a little group,” George said.

The meditation garden is expected to cost $24,000 and will fall into the history and landscape category of the program.

“We are working with the city to create something very peaceful and relaxing and really to beautify a special area out in the cemetery,” George said.

The group is kicking off fundraising efforts by sending out letters to churches which typically support the program as well as businesses around the community.

George said the success of the program in Melfort goes beyond their regular volunteers. Oftentimes members of the group will notice work done around the city that they don’t know about or haven’t planned.

“That’s what this program is all about, it’s showing your civic pride and doing it not for recognition but because you love the community and you want it to look nice,” George said.

Competing nationally will be a bonus for Melfort, bringing more exposure to the community.

“The city is totally on board with us and so it is going to be fun,” George said.

The group works tirelessly year-round in making the city more beautiful. The group is responsible for lights at Memorial Garden and other areas around the city.

The Communities in Bloom committee will meet on March 20 at the Kerry Vickar Centre to continue plans for the upcoming competition season.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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