There will be literacy carnivals in 11 northern communities starting this month. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Northern Tour

KidsFirst North hosting literacy carnivals throughout northern Saskatchewan

Mar 7, 2019 | 12:09 PM

KidsFirst North will launch a literacy carnival tour this month after receiving a $50,000 grant from the Ministry of Education.

The events are being organized by community development manager Tina Roberts who said a carnival will be held in each of the 11 communities KidsFirst serves. Wide Open Children’s Theatre from Saskatoon will also be at the carnivals to present a half-hour puppet show for attendees. Roberts stated the events are focused on children between infant ages and six years old and it’s meant to encourage caregivers or parents to engage in literacy more with their kids.

“It’s about how important literacy is at the younger stages in life,” she said. “It’s not all about reading.”

After the puppet show, Roberts noted attendees will spend time at four different stations with a unique activity at each one. One station will be hosted by an Elder who will talk about storytelling, while others will focus on technology, rhymes and picture books. Children are expected to spend about 15 minutes at each station.

The carnival tour begins March 23 in Pinehouse followed by Île-à-la-Crosse, La Loche, Buffalo Narrows and Beauval for the remainder of the week. Other dates in the tour include Sandy Bay (April 1), Creighton (April 2), Cumberland House (May 6), Stony Rapids (May 8) and Green Lake (May 9). A carnival will also be in Air Ronge April 4 at Gordon Denny Community School between 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

“At the end of the evening, we’ll have sitters provided and we want to try do a talking circle with the adults to see how they felt about the night,” Roberts said.

Those interested in attending an event should watch for posters in their communities or contact Roberts at KidsFirst North in La Ronge for more information.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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