Groundwork is expected to be completed at Heritage Park this year. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
park improvements

Planning continues for redevelopment of Air Ronge’s Heritage Park

Aug 29, 2019 | 3:45 PM

Planning continues for the redevelopment of Heritage Park after Air Ronge councillors declined to approve a request for proposals (RFP) at a regular meeting Monday.

“With our procurement policy, before we issue any tenders or RFPs or anything of the like, they have to be taken to council so they can read them over and make sure everything is what was intended and what they understood it to be,” Assistant Administrator Gavin Willins said. “It wasn’t accepted right away because we want clarifications on the scope of the work at Heritage Park.”

Willins stated some time in the coming months, the groundwork will be completed to allow for the fill to settle for work next year. There’s also a chance improvements will be done along the Heritage Trail due to concerns about the amount of deadfall and the condition of some of the boardwalks. Willins also noted beavers have been busy in the area, but he doesn’t believe fallen trees are on the trail or restricting access to hikers.

“We’re exploring the options right now and looking at what we might be able to do in-house,” he said. “Our public works and maintenance staff do have their hands full right now.”

Old garbage bins up for grabs

Council also discussed ways they could part with the old garbage bins since they were collected for residents last month. A small portion of the approximately 400 bins were sent to Grandmother’s Bay, but Willins said council hasn’t received much interest in them. If Air Ronge residents are interested in owning one of the bins, they should visit the town shop to pick one up.

“If you’d like to use one for non-garbage purposes, be it a composter in your yard or something akin to that, Air Ronge residents are more than welcome to come and pick one up at the shop during regular hours,” he said.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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