La Ronge councillors passed two policies at a regular meeting Sept. 11. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
New policies

Snow removal policy expected to be approved soon for La Ronge

Sep 16, 2019 | 1:34 PM

A Snow Removal and Clearing Policy is expected to be passed soon after it was deferred to a governance meeting later this month.

“The truth is there should be an actual written policy for staff to follow with respect to whenever there is a massive snowstorm [that] these are the streets you have to do no matter what and everything that happens after that,” La Ronge Mayor Ron Woytowich said. “This policy basically says there are the main thoroughfares that you have to do and drop everything else.”

According to the policy, the first streets in La Ronge that should be plowed after it snows are Boardman Street, Brown Street, and La Ronge Avenue. There is also a requirement that certain streets should be done before others if it so happens to delay the work of other town employees. Woytowich noted that means, for example, the streets next in line for garbage pick up will be cleared sooner than others.

Woytowich also mentioned consideration was made while creating the policy to ensure residents are close to roads that are plowed if they are lower on the priority list. He said council has been working on the policy for more than a year.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a really heavy snowstorm or just a light one. We want an actual process in place, so [employees] know where they are on the list and when [streets] would be done,” he said.

At the same council meeting Sept. 11, the Shoreline Use and Development Policy was also deferred. It’s meant to provide a consistent and predictable way of managing leases and permits along the lake.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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